My monthly series, sharing the food, places, fashion, beauty and entertainment that I'm currently enjoying....
also including some #babysheath favourites too

1. The Colder Weather
As much as I love the summer, there is just something about the cosyness of Autumn & Winter. Snuggly knitwear, ankle boots, knitted accessories and Ugg boots are just some of my loves. I Love it when the weather is crisp and sunny but not too Baltic, nice enough for a long walk.
2. Baby Milestones
Baby Mark is growing so fast, I can't quite believe he is now almost 9 months old. So many milestones have happened over the last couple of months - he now has 6 teeth (with a 7th & 8th just visable). We have three meals a day now, food seems to be something he really enjoys especially anything he can squash in his hands, even if it is just colourful lumpy, mush at the moment. He is also so engaged with his surroundings, toys and people as well as almost sitting up and he has mastered rolling around like a pro.

3. Pink Suede Jacket
Bought this beauty back in the summer from Primark but has firmly become an Autumn/Winter favourite too, now that it is cool enough to wear. Lighter than a winter coat but still thick enough to keep me warm, plus the faux suede is more forgiving than leather so I can fit even a super chunky knit under it and still look cute. Currently love to style it up, thrown over a knit and jeans with cosy accessories. I did wonder if the colour would be tough to style outside of summer but actually as my winter uniform is mainly grey and black it adds a nice sprinkle of colour plus i went with blush pink accessories so co-ordinates beautifully.
4. Illustrator
Came across a great illustrator on Pinterest, so cute & very me - she has a collection of illustrations centred around a girl character and i love her use of colour and print, is so chic. Check out her Instagram feed - @iamlubi.

5. Push Lock Satchel
As you will have seen if you follow me on social media, I am a total sucker for a Cambridge satchel. My dusk blue one (that i got for my 30th) is by far the most worn bag in my collection and is my go to during the warmer months, so I decided to invest in another push lock satchel, this time in classic black. I love this satchel as it is a great everyday size, fits all my essentials in, looks cute and is so practical for mum days - can be opened easily one handed, which is a much needed skill.
6. Lily Loves Shopping
I am a real lover of unique sellers and enjoy discovering new stores. I am really lucky in that Market Harborough has some amazing little boutique stores that are real gems. My favourite has firmly become Lily Loves Shopping - a quirky little homeware store that is a essentially me in store form. Every gorgeous little home accessory you could need including handmade lampshades and some cute baby wear as a bonus. You can shop online at www.lilylovesshopping.com and make sure to check out their Instagram feed @lilylovesshoppinghomeware. If you are ever in Market Harborough this store is a must visit!! Plus the owner is a total babe x

7. Peg Board
I fell in love with a mint green peg board on Instagram but it was a tad expensive, but when i found this one in B&M for only £8 i had to have it. Origionally meant for the lounge but has ended up in Mark's nursery as a changable piece of art. This dinosuar quote is very apt as that is very much Mark's theme at the moment - dino mad (dinosaur cuddlies above both Jellycat - Stegasaurus & Dennis).
8. Fresh Hair
Decided to start the new year with a fresh do - highlights and a trim. Gorgeous multi tones of blonde, dark brown and rose gold to give it some depth and texture but kept very subtle. Love it so much, although i had that much foil in my thick hair i was picking up the local radio station!
Feel like a new woman!
Decided to start the new year with a fresh do - highlights and a trim. Gorgeous multi tones of blonde, dark brown and rose gold to give it some depth and texture but kept very subtle. Love it so much, although i had that much foil in my thick hair i was picking up the local radio station!
Feel like a new woman!

Mark goes to several baby classes in the week but this sensory class is our favourite. With a mix of songs, massage, lights and dress up all of his senses are stimulated. Each week is themed - from superheroes to Alice in wonderland, toy hospital to on the farm and Christmas was a hoot, Mark passed his reindeer/sleigh driving test with flying colours! My favourite part has to be all the props which Mark isn't always keen on, but he is getting very good at posing for photos. In the picture above we have just met pilot beeps from the toy ambulance helicopter and Mark was fascinated by all his green fur and big pink nose.
Just in case any mum's are interested i have left class details here...
10. Sleeping bags
Just in case any mum's are interested i have left class details here...
10. Sleeping bags
Now that Mark is sleeping in his own room he has got so used to sleeping in a sleeping bag, plus they can help to reduce SIDs as he cant suffocate under it. This raccoon one is my favourite and is from Sainsbury's although he has a few this one is definetley the cutest.

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