A stunning statement necklace, or in my case a whole bunch!
I am a big fan of statement jewellery, especially necklaces, i think they make an outfit - whether to finish off a party dress or jazz up a simple t-shirt and jeans, it is the perfect accessory. I love nothing more than adding a beautiful statement piece to my work outfit's, it truly brightens my day, especially when i need to be polished yet keep my fashionista edge. I would love to be able to wear delicate jewellery but it just doesn't fit with my personality so when it comes it to necklace's "Bigger is defiantly better".
Most of my current collection above is from Accessorize (i know i am addicted) but i also have styles from New Look, H&M, Oliver Bonas plus a fabulous rainbow EBay find, although i do feel my collection is missing a J Crew piece (LOVE all of the current collection) but sadly I just can't justify the expense, even on such a piece of stunning wearable art - they have a truly talented team of designers. I am very impressed though that all brands, both high street and designer seem to be embracing this oversized trend including some unexpected ones such as M&S. I never thought i would see such a beautiful modern piece as the one below from the quintessentially English brand and at such a great price point, this along with a few others have made my inner magpie's wish list:
1. Persian Leaves - J Crew £125
2. Bespoke Pink Flower - Next £35
3. Bead & Diamante - Marks and Spencer £25
4. Silver stone link - Primark £12
5. Lara necklace - Accessorize £25
6. Bright fabric folk -Topshop £18.50
Which pieces would make your jewellery wishlist?

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