Have been thinking about this for idea for a while - I always see these photo a day challenges popping up on my Pinterest/Instagram feeds and decided I would challenge myself to do one in February.....after a slow start to the year, this would be the perfect way to shake up my Instagram game.
I spent lots of time looking at challenge lists that already exist in the social media world but none seemed quite the right fit for me and my photography style, so I decided to to come up with my own list incorporating a good mix of fashion and life.
Below is my list, feel free to save and take the challenge for yourself....
Below is my list, feel free to save and take the challenge for yourself....
Just in case you don't follow me, or would like to see more click on the link above to go straight to my Instagram feed....now onto my 28 days of February.
Setting myself a challenge like this really helped to focus my efforts to post an image everyday as well as sharing images I wouldn't normally. The only downside I found is if you are the kind of person who needs your feed to stick to a theme, it becomes a little trickier with the variety of images in a monthly challenge, but if you create your own list then you could work round this...and it would really push your creative boundaries.
Which is your favourite image of the month? Please leave me a comment below..
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Have you taken a photo a day challenge before?
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